Orthodox Church - translation to russian
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Orthodox Church - translation to russian

Orthodox Church         
Orthodox Christians; Orthodox churches; Orthodox church; Orthadox Church; Orthadox Christian Church; Orthodox Churches; Orthodox Christian Church; Orthodox Christianity; Christian Orthodox Church; Orthodox Church (disambiguation); Orthodox Church organization
православная церковь; унаследовала византийскую религиозную традицию.
Orthodox Church         
Orthodox Christians; Orthodox churches; Orthodox church; Orthadox Church; Orthadox Christian Church; Orthodox Churches; Orthodox Christian Church; Orthodox Christianity; Christian Orthodox Church; Orthodox Church (disambiguation); Orthodox Church organization


общая лексика

(the Orthodox Church)

православная церковь

Coptic Church         
  • [[Makuria]]n wall painting depicting a Nubian bishop and [[Virgin Mary]] (11th century)
  • Coptic icon]]
  • Patriarch of Alexandria]] on the Holy Apostolic See of [[Saint Mark the Evangelist]] (1971–2012).
  • Coptic Icon in the Coptic Altar of the [[Church of the Holy Sepulchre]], [[Jerusalem]]
  • Coptic monks, between 1898 and 1914
  • Arabic Coptic Prayer book, 1760
  • A modern Coptic cathedral in [[Aswan]].
  • St. Mark Coptic Cathedral in Alexandria]]
Coptic Church; Christian coptic orthodox church of egypt; Coptic Orthodox; Qibti; Orthodox Church in Africa; Egyptian Orthodox Church; The Coptic Orthodox Church; Orienatal Orthodoxy in Egypt; Coptic orthodox; Coptic church of Alexandria; Coptic orthodoxy; Coptic Orthodoxy; Ti.eklyseya en.remenkimi en.orthodoxos ente alexandrias; The Egyptian Orthodox Church of Alexandria; Coptic orthodox church of alexandria; Ϯⲉⲕ'ⲕⲗⲏⲥⲓⲁ 'ⲛⲣⲉⲙ'ⲛⲭⲏⲙⲓ 'ⲛⲟⲣⲑⲟⲇⲟⲝⲟⲥ; Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate; Coptic Church of Alexandria; Coptic Orthodox Christian; Christian - Coptic Orthodox; Orthodox spiritual healing amongst Egyptians; Orthodox Spiritual Healing Amongst Egyptians; Coptic Orthodox Christianity; The Third Epistle of Saint Cyril to Nestorius; Third Epistle of Saint Cyril to Nestorius; Coptic Orthodox church; Oriental Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria; Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria; Alexandrian Coptic Church; Alexandrian Coptic Patriarchate; Alexandrian Oriental-Orthodox Church; Alexandrian Oriental Orthodox Church; Alexandrian Oriental Orthodox Patriarchate; Alexandrian Oriental Orthodox; Alexandrian Oriental-Orthodox; Alexandrian Oriental-Orthodox Patriarchate; History of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria; Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria; Dioceses of the Coptic Orthodox Church
коптская церковь (христианская церковь в Египте)



Алонзо (р 14.6.1903, Вашингтон), американский логик, математик. Профессор Принстонского университета (1947-1967). С 1967 профессор математики и философии Калифорнийского университета (Лос-Анджелес). Работы Ч. относятся к различным областям логики. Он развил мысль об отделении понятия функции от понятия множества. В 1936 выдвинул основную гипотезу теории вычислимых функций (т. н. тезис Чёрча): каждая эффективно вычислимая функция является общекурсивной (см. Рекурсивные функции). В 1935 Ч. привёл пример неразрешимой массовой проблемы, а в 1966 доказал, что Разрешения проблема для исчисления предикатов неразрешима. Эти результаты оказали большое влияние на развитие математической логики. Ч. внёс существенный вклад в развитие комбинаторной логики: ему принадлежат исследования в области логической семантики (См. Логическая семантика) и модальной логики.

Соч. в рус. пер.: Введение в математическую логику, т. 1, М., 1960.


Orthodox Church
Orthodox Church may refer to:
Pronunciation examples for Orthodox Church
1. of the Greek Orthodox Church
2. in the Russian Orthodox Church,
3. The Greek Orthodox church is no picnic.
Why I Am an Atheist Who Believes in GOD _ Frank Schaeffer _ Talks at Google
4. were priests in the Serbian Orthodox Church.
Tesla - Inventor of the Electrical Age _ Bernard Carlson _ Talks at Google
5. belong to Russian Orthodox Church organization.
Riot Days _ Masha Alyokhina _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of Orthodox Church
1. The official Montenegrin Orthodox Church is part of the Serbian Orthodox Church and is against independence.
2. The Moscow Patriarchate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is under the Russian Orthodox Church, also opposed the papal visit.
3. He blamed the Orthodox Church for establishing unholy alliance with the CUD and warned the Muslims to be vigilant of this CUD–Orthodox Church plot against their religion.
4. After the monastery was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church in 1'83 and renovated in 1'88, the Orthodox Church began inquiring about getting the bells back.
5. "The Orthodox Church receives plenty of buildings and land." «
What is the Russian for Orthodox Church? Translation of &#39Orthodox Church&#39 to Russian